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sponsored seminars
Strategic Partners, Inc. offers customized professional seminars for organizations wishing to sponsor development programs for area not-for-profit organizations.
How it works:
The seminars are designed based on the needs of the sponsoring organization. Each seminar can be customized to include up to three topics and can range in length from one to three days. The sponsoring organization is responsible for all fees and may choose to charge participants to recover such costs.
Strategic Partners, Inc. provides:
- Qualified presenter approved by the sponsoring organization
- PowerPoint presentation to be used during the seminar by the presenter
- Seminar content materials for participants
- Assistance with determining the target market for the seminar
- Marketing material masters (for print or electronic publication)
- Company contact to answer any questions in advance of the seminar
- Marketing of seminar to constituents
- Registration of seminar participants
- Collection of seminar fees
- List of participants given to Strategic Partners, Inc. in advance of seminar
- Room for seminar
- Laptop projector and screen for PowerPoint presentation
- Flip charts and pens for presenter
- Name tags for participants and presenter
- Refreshments and lunch for participants and presenter
Seminar FEES:
- $1500 seminar fee for one day seminar/one or two topics/one instructor
- $750 seminar fee for additional instructor for one day seminar/two topics
- $5 per registered participant materials fee
- All travel expenses for the seminar presenter(s)
For more information about our Sponsored Seminar Program or to schedule a seminar program for your organization, please contact our Seminar Coordinator.