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President and Principal


Sam J Kennedy CFRESam J. Kennedy is President and founding partner of Strategic Partners, Inc. His areas of specialty include major gift development; annual, endowment and capital projects; leadership development; and board and staff training. Sam has worked for a variety of not-for-profit clients from small, start-up operations to regional clients with service locations in several states. He is particularly familiar with Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and northwest Ohio, having worked professionally in these areas for more than thirty years.

Sam had more than seventeen years of resource development experience prior to entering the consulting field where he has been working for over fourteen years. He served as Vice President for Development at Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan and as Director of Development and Executive Director of the Foundation at Shrine High School in Royal Oak, Michigan. Much of his institutional career has been in the field of education, where he began as a secondary school science instructor in 1972. Sam continued his connection to education by serving as a trustee and later President of the Adrian (Michigan) Public School Board of Trustees for thirteen years.

He is past President of the Adrian Morning Rotary Club and  Plymouth AM Rotary Club, both in Michigan

Sam has completed post-Masters work in the Not-for-Profit Organization Administration Program of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana. He received his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.

Sam is a charter member of the Michigan Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, achieving CFRE certification in 1986. He has also held volunteer leadership roles in the National Catholic Development Conference, and was the founding president of the Michigan Association of School Development.

Sam has special expertise in the area of resource development strategy. His insights into personal gift strategy, project design and overall project direction produce results far beyond what is expected or predictable. Sam’s strategic insights make him a sought after advisor to annual, capital and endowment projects around the country. He is also skilled in organizational analysis, which has provided numerous opportunities to create, re-focus, or turn-around new or struggling development programs.


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